How We Got Here

Better For Business

Like most musicians V has had several jobs to support his career. These experiences have led him to design The Collab as a values based company. This People-over-Profits attitude ultimately leads to a healthier business and a better product. Not bound by a philosophy of ever increasing profitability The Collab is free to make decisions that best benefit our customers, employees, and our partners.

Better For Creatives

We know the challenges of pursuing your passion. That’s why The Collab was set up in a way to let artists, and their fans, help each other. Every purchase helps fund an artist and as The Collab grows it becomes a greater force for supporting the arts.

Better For You

It’s the 21st century, we’re all activists. We all want to make the world a better place. When you buy from V’s Coffee Collab you can be happy knowing that your purchase helps support better trade practices, coffee workers and artists.

Our Coffee Philisophy

Here at The Collab we like to think about coffee a little bit differently. We like to focus less on roast level and more on other things, like variety, country of origin and process. All things that ultimately culminate in the tasting notes. The roast level is still visible on the bag but we encourage you to base your purchase more on other factors.

To make coffee buying easier we have made three different categories for our coffee, Lydian, Dorian and Locrian. The categories are grouped around similar flavor profiles, not just roast level. Since not every coffee is available year round, these categories will help you find a coffee you are sure to love when your favorite coffee is out of season