Accessibility Statement

Everyone deserves good coffee and the chance to support great art.


We want everyone to have access to good coffee and great art, and will go to great lengths to make sure they do. As part of this desire, we have a commitment to making our site accessible to all our visitors, even if they need some accommodations to make that happen.

We have tried our best to make our site adhere to the WCAG 2.1 standards. For best results, we encourage you to use an up-to-date version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browser with CSS and JS enabled. Despite our best efforts, though, we realize we may have failed in some particulars that we haven't noticed. We also realize that no set of standards can cover all the ways needed to make any site perfectly accessible to everyone who visits.

Because of this, if you need special accommodation, we ask you to call us directly at 678-977-6288, or submit the form below. If you would like to let us know of a particular way that this website is failing to accommodate your needs, we'd thank you to email Deneb, our accessibility specialist. He'll be excited for you to tell him new ways the site can be more accessible.

Our Coffee Philisophy

Here at The Collab we like to think about coffee a little bit differently. We like to focus less on roast level and more on other things, like variety, country of origin and process. All things that ultimately culminate in the tasting notes. The roast level is still visible on the bag but we encourage you to base your purchase more on other factors.

To make coffee buying easier we have made three different categories for our coffee, Lydian, Dorian and Locrian. The categories are grouped around similar flavor profiles, not just roast level. Since not every coffee is available year round, these categories will help you find a coffee you are sure to love when your favorite coffee is out of season